Well Being and what it means for us 

What is Well-being?

The definition in the dictionary of Well Being is “the state of being comfortable, happy or healthy” so when we think about this for ourselves are we asking the questions -

‘Am I comfortable?’

‘Am I happy?’

Am I healthy?’

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Donna Dawson
How Do I Use Doterra Essential Oils Safely?

How Do I Use Essential Oils Safely?

Traditionally, certain essential oil application methods have been preferred or used exclusively. However, as the research surrounding essential oils continues to develop, a greater understanding of application methods is now understood. All application methods are safe when used appropriately, including aromatic, topical, and internal methods. One or multiple application methods can be used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications. They can be used a single oil at a time or in complex blends in one of three methods:


The sense of smell is a tool that can elicit powerful physiologic, mental, and emotional responses. Essential oils are quickly absorbed by the smell receptors, which have a direct link to the limbic system by way of the olfactory nerve. The limbic system is part of the brain that supports a variety of functions including smell, emotions, behaviour, and memory. For this reason, essential oils have an especially powerful effect via aromatic application.

Some essential oils induce uplifting or invigorating effects, while others are more calming. Diffusion is one of the simplest methods for using essential oils aromatically. Diffusers that use cold air or water are ideal. However, using essential oils aromatically does not require any special diffusing devices.

You can achieve the same health benefits by simply placing a few drops of essential oil in the palm of your hand that is then cupped around the nose as you breathe deeply.

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Donna DawsonSensib Holistics
Essential Oils 101

What Are Essential Oils?

If you have ever enjoyed the scent of a rose, you’ve experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. These naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. Essential oils provide plants with protection against environmental threats and play a role in plant pollination. In addition to their intrinsic benefits to plants and being beautifully fragrant to people, essential oils have long been used for food preparation, beauty treatment, and health-care practices.

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Donna Dawson
Stress - is it time to look to Complementary Therapies for help?

What is stress? 

Stress has different meanings for each individual - it can be a build up of pressure brought on by work or home life - like layer upon layer of overwhelm.

It can be when we have too many balls in the air and we are afraid of dropping one or two, or all of them at once - the extra pressure can immobilise us as we can’t always keep up with that fast pace. Sometimes we just need to let them drop and then go about picking them up one by one - taking time to deal with what you might feel is urgent.  

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Donna Dawson